Tim Van Damme Inspired by Tim Vand Damme

Me who?

My photo
dO you really care?? really? in my presence u would have acted like you care.. but..it cant be the same now..isn't it??


May 24, 2010

High & Dry


What are you actually doing at your homes/rooms? Am kinda stinking with tweets and updates like as if am born to do this. Meaning less tweets. Emotion less quotes. Where the fuck is this going?
Let me take a wild guess. OK! More than one guess, but this is the most probable common routine we must be going through.

Sit down at computer. Think you'll be productive at least this time. And after 30mins, you checked your mail more than thrice, updated Facebook status and tweeted some crap.
That doesn't stop there. You decided to be productive remember?
So, you will look up your favorite brand ( gadgets/bands/apparels/that kinda stuff), vanity google some arbitrary garbage. BTW, How many of you googled your name? Do that. Will be fun.

And now comes the interesting part. Stalking.
Biggest advantage of Social Networking. You follow all your Upload-happy friends' content, stalk your ex-gf/bf, check the photos uploaded by your high-school crushes. Yeah and you have The Zynga. Doesn't ring any bells? Well, read Cafe World, Farmville, Petville, Fishville and MyAssVille!

The Social-Web interactions give you the high that is unparalleled.
Waiting in anticipation for comments on that photo you just uploaded, or flirting someone publicly. And leaves you dry when you become spectator to the endless Wall-posts/Scraps between your ex and her new found buddy. More so if that buddy is your buddy. There is no going back. Period.

So, there you go. Deeply involved in a world where Real and Virtual merge so well that it's hard to differentiate. More on that later.


midhun said...

Liked it bro

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