Tim Van Damme Inspired by Tim Vand Damme

Me who?

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dO you really care?? really? in my presence u would have acted like you care.. but..it cant be the same now..isn't it??


May 4, 2010

F'ing post

Fuck! F*ck! Fu*k!

This is the most common curse word. When I first got acquainted with it, in its verb form, I was scared to use it. Fast forward to 'NOW', thanks to Hollywood, F is everywhere. Not just as a verb. I made it part of my dictum without giving a fuck to the possible ramifications ;).I, for the first time, recently thought about the reason why it is so addictive. May be the adrenaline rush people get by screaming, " Fucking amazing! ", instead of boring " It's amazing " provides the instant gratification! It adds intensity to the juxtaposed cause which , in this case, is being amazed.

I don't have to look anywhere to appreciate the flammability of the Fuck. Sometime around 2-2( semester ), almost everyone in my class started showing middle finger to anything that fits the bill. It's not an exaggeration when I say that you have to let your hand devoid of holding anything before meeting someone as most conversations would end with showing middle fingers and yelling " fuck off "!

Now at the end of B.Tech, when I thought about the possible changes am about to undergo, one of my friends suggested there would be no curse words as there would be no friends( ok! not really! ) to fucking use them with! I said, " No fucking way! ". The F charm is too powerful to RIP.

Then he asked me to imagine a possible incident, in future, which can make any guy abandon the F. What? Is it really about finding such a possible case? Or is he taking great pains to prove me incapable of conjuring such an incident?

I made-up this scenario so that he can shut his fucking mouth.

"One fine day! This Guy bought a phone from a fruit company. He is very excited and bought tons of applications to run on it. He becomes so much addicted to apps that he starts writing his own apps. One such app that made him rich overnight is the one that combines advance voice recognition capabilities with Social networking! With riches comes his first Girlfriend( #First ). And then his second( #Second ). Being a geek, he couldnt play the playboy game. Just like a bug in his code, FIRST starts popping out when he is with SECOND and visa-versa much to his contempt.

On one not-so-fine day, while he is on his way out of McD, a stranger bumps into him and the phone falls down.
His phone. Phone that he loves so much and that brought all the fortune.
Falls down!
Falls fucking down!
He yells, " Fuck you! "

Then I stopped.
I started collecting my bag and things preparing for an exit.
What a fucking scene it was! He must have felt like being left after foreplay.
He begged me to continue. I did.

"Phone identifies his voice, analyses the " Meaning " of said words. Checks for his contacts @ Phone, Friends @ Facebook, Followers @ Twitter and analyses his previous conversations with all of them to decide who is the most probable recipient of the message it received. It founds both FIRST and SECOND and forwards the message " Fuck you "

Only hole is that it cant forward the emotion involved. Only plain words.
All this happens w/o his knowledge and by that night he learns it the hard way!

I finished and left the Resulting catastrophe to his imagination.

There is no he.


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