Tim Van Damme Inspired by Tim Vand Damme

Me who?

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dO you really care?? really? in my presence u would have acted like you care.. but..it cant be the same now..isn't it??


Nov 19, 2009

The Genesis

Why do you think people go to the trouble to make money in the first place? They make money because they want to spend it. And once they’ve made money, they need someone to come along and give them something to spend it on. All you have to do is give them something to buy that makes them feel special — like they’re smarter, and maybe even better, than everyone else.

Keeping the philanthropy shit that everyone with just-noticed grey hair would throw at you aside, any other reason not to spend money is a big frigging hoax. But there's a "Saving for Future" theory that's very successful so far in "Screwing the Present" realty. Do we have to think about future in green when the present is being blacked out? Well, can you guarantee that you would return home without getting knocked down by someone/something on the way?

Does that sound like a cliché? Yeah, but it's kinda base for this post. Its genesis.

A mirror can be used in a lot of ways, from giving last-minute-touches to getting a rear view. But all of these take only a minute or two in serving their purpose, though, with different degrees of attention they get.
But as an exercise, just do this. Look at yourself in the mirror for longer periods of time. Just look.When you are about to stop looking and move on, just hold'on for some more time. Just bear with your"self" for some more time.~!
Now that's something.

This small act triggers a hell lot of thoughts, from intriguing inner-self to galactic proportions of the eternity. All you need to do is to look at YOU. The ephemeral effect is -you can't be the same person. Not anymore, unless you think it's a prank.

But that's just a start. What next? Well, thats you to decide.

For starters, this may cause chaos in their erstwhile stable "Unstoppable Force" Vs "Immovable Object" system.


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